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In The Lions Den

Writer's picture: Rebecca MansellRebecca Mansell

Updated: Jan 25


Daniel in the Lion's Den is a parable from the bible that reminds us to live in Faith, not Fear. 

Both Fear and Unconditional love are states of being, and from these states arise emotions, images, (and tendencies? Actions?) that create our physical reality. 

FEAR is the acronym for “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Fear is a state of being, an energy that is in low frequency, which causes life experiences--both internally and externally--to feel negative or dark. To exist in a state of Fear you must be unconscious, which means that you are unaware that you are consistently creating a cycle of unfavorable circumstances. This can feel very uncomfortable physically, emotionally and mentally and can potentially result in a range of negative emotions or emotional reactions such as anger, resentment, sadness, hatred, jealousy, depression. As these feelings solidify, a sense of helplessness or hopelessness takes hold and dis-ease is invited to set in.If we remain stuck in this fear state, chaos and dysfunction arise, causing ripples--or even a collapse--in our personal and professional lives. 

As humans, we naturally draw in the same energy we send out, therefore surround ourselves with like-minded people.  If we associate with a Fear based mindset, our energy body will bring into our lives the people, opportunities and situations that will reinforce our need to act out of Fear. From there a fear based community is born.

As this cycle continues, we justify our negative state of being, and rigid thought forms such as “We know the right answer, the right way. Everyone else is wrong,” start to show up. As we receive the approval of other like-minded beings, gossip and judgment take root and begin to circulate. These behaviors allow an inflated sense of self to be born, leading to divisiveness, entitlement and arrogance at both the individual and community level.  Hence, our insecurities remain covered up, hiding deep within our subconscious. It is in this space that belief systems are formed, setting ourselves and our loved ones up for a limited existence, stuck in a box. We tell ourselves “If everyone in my circle has these beliefs, then I must be right”. When stuck in habitual behaviors, we are not able to recognize the negative impact of “like attracts like,” preventing us from stepping into the realm of observation and self-reflection where healing can begin. 

If we stop for a moment, we can see how we have co-created a community that projects and instills fearful belief systems. We find ourselves entangled in a cycle of age-old beliefs from which we have difficulty freeing ourselves, which obstructs us from shifting into the energy of unconditional love. 

How does Fear manifest in our external world?

Anger, hatred, self-absorption, lack of acceptance, and judgment do not create a harmonious environment; in fact, it only adds fuel to the fire. Physical reality is an illusion that creates challenges for our growth. 

If we adhere to the theory that there is no bad or good, wrong or right, that there is only a negative and a positive frequency, we accept that how we choose to live our reality will be the deciding factor on which frequency we embody in each moment. Once we notice/acknowledge the degree of the negative frequency we carry, we can choose to go within and modify our thoughts, actions, intentions. The result… we shall see an entirely different reality form outside of us. 

Beliefs are limiting, especially when there is an attachment to them and no room or willingness for change. Not accepting varying belief systems creates more blockages, sending you even deeper into the rabbit hole of darkness. Not accepting others for who they choose to be is simply a form of judgment. 

This creates a disharmony by dividing our communities and social environments. If we sit still for a moment and observe the current state of affairs around the planet, you will notice this discord, division, judgment, hatred, conditioned love, lack of acceptance and most importantly dis-ease, which creates disease. Our environment is riddled with toxicity, spreading into our environment, foods and water as well as in the workplace, schools and home. Viruses spread like wildfires within our cells, anger becoming so violent that even our children are attacking one another in the most horrific ways. As a conscious being living in the energy of unconditional love, I feel saddened as I watch so many fall into the deepest slumber of unconsciousness, refusing to take accountability for their part in this fall of mankind. What’s worse is the inability to recognize the hypocrisy within the  leaders—the majority of whom are put into power by the people. 

Demonizing and imposing punishment on those who have committed so-called crimes rather than stepping into compassion and unconditional love is our greatest issue in our society, that will only bring more of what you judge.

Understanding that everything you see in your external reality is actually your internal essence projected outward is a great place to start when you decide you are ready to step away from fear and into your greatest potential. If your environment is in disharmony, chaos, dysfunction, it is time to reflect and ask yourself why. The lack of faith, of knowing who we are as co-creators in this beautiful universe keeps us afraid, stuck, in lack and limited mindset. This prevents us from inhabiting the present moment and allowing the flow of life to move through us. We are inherently abundant beings; all things are available in the most divine way. Competition is an illusion, there is room for everyone to become the best version of themselves, who they desire to be, their legacy.

The concept of Unconditional Love?

Just like Fear, Unconditional love is a state of beingness. To put it quite simply, Fear is dark and Love is Light. We have Free Will to choose which state we desire to be in. As we move out of the Dark Ages and fully into our Bronze Age, we give ourselves permission to forgive and shift our energy into unconditional love. Keeping our frequency high, we allow room for expansion within ourselves, which permeates our external reality. As we give ourselves permission to embody unconditional love, sit still and be present you will begin to see those aspects that no longer serve us and people that no longer align with our new perspectives on reality. We will then notice these individuals who no longer match our vibrations, slowly shift out of our reality. As you begin to experience this, you will also become aware of new opportunities, interests and people coming into your reality that do align with your unconditional loving frequency. If you are truly in this state--this higher frequency--you will give and receive with flow, and abundance becomes an inevitable part of your experience. Unconditional love has no attachments, resentment, hatred, lack, judgment or sadness. It is free, abundant, compassionate, living in-the-now, not in the past or future. We accept all things as they are and from this space of acceptance, we choose to reflect upon those things that no longer serve us. 

We will then shift into an even deeper awakening of who we are in this reality, actively asking ourselves the questions we already have the answers to within. As we start our journey of meditations, sitting still and  allowing information to be downloaded within, we will feel the surge of a powerful creating force that has always been a part of us. Now we can begin to create and co-create in harmony, opening the 3D limited box and entering into the tesseract where there are infinite boxes available to explore. All possibilities exist in this state, in this Realm!

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